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Contributed talks:

E. Aichinger: On the direct decomposition of nilpotent expanded groups
A. Bailey: Stably weakly coreflective subcategories of the category of acts over a monoid
E. L. Bashkirov: On linear groups of degree 2 over a finite-dimensional algebra over a finite field
B. Bašić: Palindromic defect and highly potential words
M. Behrisch: Decomposing distributive lattices up to polynomial equivalence using RST
W. F. Bentz: An “easy” problem by McNulty
J. Bulín: CSP dichotomy for special oriented trees
V. Celakoska-Jordanova: Monoids of powers in varieties of f-idempotent groupoids
G. Czédli: The asymptotic number of ways to intersect two composition series
D. Delić: CSP dichotomy and H-bipartite digraphs
E. K. Horváth: On symmetry groups of Boolean and other functions
P. Jedlička: Equational theory of left divisible left distributive groupoids
A. Jende: Maximal coregular semigroups of K(n,2)
M. Johnson: Idempotent tropical matrices and their (tropical) geometry
M. Kambites: Multiplication and geometry of tropical matrices
K. Kátai-Urbán: Piecewise testable languages and the word problem
S. Kerkhoff: Essential variables of cooperations and the consequences for operations
J. Koppitz: New maximal subsemigroups of the semigroup of all transformations on a countable set
O. Košik: Categorical equivalence of semilattices and lattices
W. Leeb: Linear complexity of extensions of Fermat quotients
E. Lehtonen: Generalized entropy in algebras with neutral element and in inverse semigroups
H. Machida: Centralizing monoids on a three-element set
A. Mahalanobis: The discrete logarithm problem in semisimple group algebras
P. Marković: CSP dichotomy on small structures
D. Mašulović: Properties of the automorphism group and a probabilistic construction of a class of countable labeled structures
J. C. Meakin: Inverse semigroups: some open problems
V. Miovska: Generalized (m+k,m)-bands
A. Mućka: Many-sorted and single-sorted algebras
N. Mudrinski: How many higher commutator operations can we define on the congruence lattice of a given Mal’cev algebra?
C. Pech: Universal homogeneous constraint structures and the hom-equivalence classes of weakly oligomorphic structures
R. Pöschel: Galois connections between group actions and functions - some results and problems
P. Puusemp: Unary polynomial functions on a class of finite groups
A. Romanowska: Generalized convexity and closure conditions
F. M. Schneider: A relational localisation theory for topological algebras
K. Schölzel: The minimal clones generated by semiprojections on a four-element set
V. Stepanović: Weak congruence representability of lattices and related Delta-suitability of their elements
M. Stronkowski: Almost structural completeness; an algebraic approach
Y. Susanti: Semigroups of n-ary operations on finite sets
P. Tanović: On Kueker’s conjecture
T. Waldhauser: Local monotonicities and lattice derivatives of Boolean and pseudo-Boolean functions
A. Zamojska-Dzienio: Representing lattices by lattices of subclasses

The deadline for submitting a title and an abstract for a short (20-minute) contributed talk is the same as the deadline for pre-registration, that is, February 15, 2012, 23:59 PM CET. However, to submit an abstract, you must either be pre-registered previously, or send a single e-mail containing both your pre-registration data and your abstract. In this way, you have the possibility to pre-register early (indicating only a wish to contribute a talk), leaving the abstract submission for later.

A notification concerning the acceptance of each proposed talk will be sent by a member of the Scientific Committee not later than February 24, 2012.

We would appreciate very much if you prepare your abstract by using our LaTeX template aaa83_template.tex (click to download). Please, rename the file by setting your surname in lowercase to be the name of the file containing your title and abstract, and send it to aaa83@dmi.uns.ac.rs. The end-product should be something like this.