
IPA Projekat „Nastava matematike i statistike u prirodnim naukama:
Pristup preko modeliranja i pomoću računara”

Novine, Radio, TV

Tiszapart TV, February 26: report on the project and Symposium on lattice theory (Download the video, 22MB)

Délmagyarország, February 27: A hálóelmélet: matematika (report on the Symposium on lattice theory, Szeged)

RTV1 Akademskih pet minuta, TV report on the geogebra conference (Download the video: 9MB)

Délmagyarország, December 3, 2010: ""Beszélgető" baktériumok (report on the miniconference "Modeling in Life Sciences") 

 24 sata, 24.08.2010., report on the conference ICTLM

Danas, 23.08.2010. , report on the conference ICTLM

 Večernje novosti, 24.08.2010. , report on the conference ICTLM

Novosadska TV, 23.08.2010., report with A. Takači on the conference ICTLM

Dnevnik, 25.08.2010. , report on the conference ICTLM

Radio Novi Sad, 24.08.2010., report on the conference ICTLM, Novi Sad

Panonija TV, 24.08.2010. , report on the conference ICTLM, Novi Sad

Updating teaching methods

Nacionalni građanski ,13.01.2011., report on Seminar Updating teaching methods

RT Vojvodina 1, 14.01.2011., report on the seminar Updating teaching methods


Dynamic Geometry day — GeoGebra Conference

NovosadskaTV,15.01.2011. ,GeoGebra Conference

RTV-Dnevnik, 15.01.2011., GeoGebra Conference

VečernjeNovosti, 15.01.2011., GeoGebra Conference

Građanski-GeoGebra 15.01.2011

TV GeoGebra Conference--Opening Ceremony

GeoGebra Conference Photos

Pannonian Mathematical Modeling Days

Media overview

PAMM Dokumenta


Panonija, jutarnji program, 29.4.2011.

Vojvođanski dnevnik, 4.5.2011.

Građanski-PAMM 3.5.2011

PAMM Video zapisi

NovosadskaTV - Objektiv,29.4.2011.

Panonija - jutarnji program, 29.4.2011.

RTV1 - Novosadske razglednice, 29.4.2011.

RTV1- Akademskih pet minuta, 4.5.2011

The project is co-financed by the European Union through Hungary-Serbia IPA cross-border co-operation programme
Projekat sufinansira Evropska Unija u sklopu IPA prekograničnog programa Mađarska-Srbija
A program a Magyarország – Szerbia IPA Határon Átnyúló Együttműködési Programban az Európai Unió társfinanszírozásával valósul meg